Thursday, September 20, 2012

Self evaluation (must write at least 3 sentences for each question)
1. Explain the process you went through to develop your drawing.
First I took a picture of the person and then traced them on tracing paper. Then, i transfered the tracing paper sketch over to my art journal and added in a lot of values. In the end, the shapes and values came together to make a portrait.
2. Explain how you found the different values in the portrait?
Whenever i was drawing the feautres on the tracing paper, i tried hard not to draw plain lines. Instead, i tried my best to find the shapes and where the light changed from dark to light. The shapes and value end up fading together in the final product.
3.  Did you achieve a full range of the different values within your portrait?  How?
I believe i did. The only problem i faced was erasing all the lines from the tracing paper, but for the most part all the values went from dark to light nicely. I had to really use the kneaded eraser on this one. 
4. Describe your craftsmanship.  Is the artwork executed and crafted neatly?
I don't think this piece was very neat, or as neat as my other ones. It kind of has a raw look to it.....or something. But i did put a lot of effort in to it, and it still looks a lot like the person.
5. List any obstacles you had to overcome and how you dealt with them.
Trying not to draw average lines. Looking at the shapes and the way the light hit the persons feautres. And i dealt with these problems by doing my best to see shapes and values and looking at other people's work to see how they were doing it.

Friday, September 7, 2012

1. Describe your overall thoughts on the final piece.
I think the individual shapes and details are very good, but as for the whole piece, i think there's something missing.

2. if this was a group project, what was your contribution?
Making the colors run together fluidly.

3. How successful do you feel this piece is and why?
About 90% because even though it looks nice and neat and all, the colors clash to me.

4. What worked about this project? What didn’t work?
The shapes fit well together , the colors I chose didn't.

5. If you were to do this project over again, what changes would you consider making?

6. What was the most difficult part about completing this piece and why?
Trying to make sure you coudn't see were the colors stop then start.

7. What did you learn from this piece?
How to create shadows, 3D art, and how to pull one color into the next.